Propagate and cultivate your own asparagus

In the video tutorial I explain why asparagus is the perfect vegetable for the keto diet and I show you how easy it is to grow your own asparagus at home. Asparagus has only 2 grams of carbs per 100 grams and is rich in vitamins and minerals. That is why asparagus is the perfect vegetable for the keto diet.
Asparagus belongs to the lily family and is a perennial plant which can yield for 15 to 20 years without replanting. There are male and female plants, the male plants produce the best spears whilst the females can produce seed if the spears are not harvested. Asparagus can be grown from seed but it will take a year or more longer to get a crop. The best way to propagate is from root crowns which develop below soil level in tight clusters with long fleshy roots.

You could buy these from a nursery (Mary Washing ton is a good variety) or they could be obtained but digging up an established plant (3-4 years old) in late winter, keep in sawdust in a paper bag until spring then usually can separate into several entities each with a few root crowns. They can be planted in deep pots (40 cm) or directly into the garden. Place the root crown on a small mound of soil about 40 cm apart. cover the roots with well drained soil. Apply manure and mulch and a good initial watering.

Asparagus belongs to the lily family and is a perennial plant which can yield for 15 to 20 years without replanting. There are male and female plants, the male plants produce the best spears whilst the females can produce seed if the spears are not harvested. Asparagus can be grown from seed but it will take a year or more longer to get a crop.

It is best not to harvest in the first season to allow the plant to become well established, the spears will then turn into ‘ferns’ which will start to turn yellow at the end of winter and eventually turn brown. At this stage cut the ‘ferns’ down to just above soil level, provide some nutrients and mulch. It is good practice to dispose of the dried ferns that have been cut off because they may harbour pests or disease. The spears will start to appear in spring and can be harvested from the second season. You will need 15 to 20 plants to keep a small family in asparagus.
Your plants will yield spears throughout spring and summer but it is best to let the spears develop into ‘ferns’ towards the end of summer so that the roots can receive some nutrients to over winter and be ready to sprout next spring
The best spears start to appear when the plant is about 3 years old. After 4-5 years the spears may start to become a bit spindly in which case it would help to lift the root crowns in winter and separate them and then replant them in spring.

Here is a step-by-step video demonstration on growing your own asparagus
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