This article demonstrates 2 ways to enlarge a spade drill hole in would
Enlarging an existing spade drill hole can be a bit tricky because the central guide of the spade drill has no material to grip and centralise and stabilise the outer cutting teeth of the new (larger) Spade bit. So the spade bit will wobble and scrape across the surface of the material you are trying to drill resulting in an untidy and often non-circular hole. The object of this video is to demonstrate 2 quick and easy hacks of stabilising and centralising the new, larger spade drill, while enlarging the hole.
Here is a step by step illustrated description.
Method 1 (quick but less accurate)
- Cut a piece of plastic tubing, just smaller in diameter than the existing hole, about 25mm (1 inch) long.
- Cut 2 slits on opposite sides of the tube about 5mm long. Slide the tube over the central spine of the spade drill and secure it on the spade drill by pushing the cutting blades of the spade drill into the slits in the tubing.
- The tubing will now centralise the spade drill in the existing hole, ready for enlarging the hole.
- Start drilling the new hole, the plastic may fall off but it usually stays on long enough for the cutting blades to penetrate deep enough to take over the function of centralising and stabilising the drill.
Method 2 (more accurate and neater)
- Shape a piece of scrap wood to fit tightly in the existing hole.
- Use an awl to place a central starting point for the new, larger spade drill.
- Drill the new hole which will enlarge the old hole and consume the wooden plug.
Here is a video demonstration:
Here are some key moments in the video:
00:00 Beginning
00:27 How a spade drill works in wood
01:11 Method 1 use a piece of plastic tube to centralise new hole
02:02 Method 2 Use a wooden plug and awl to centralise the new hole
Here is a link to the illustrated guide of enlarging a spade drill hole on the blog:
This video demonstrates 3 alternate methods to enlarge an existing hole saw hole:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li8lfL2cBY8
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