Tasty keto diet pizza crust recipe

This is the best keto diet pizza base recipe goes with any topping. In this tutorial I will introduce to the perfect pizza base recipe which we have settled on after much research. The tomato pizza sauce recipe we developed for this is also a winner and will complement any choice of toppings. This base is so tasty that it could even be used as a bread to accompany a variety of dishes or even eaten on its own.
Ingredients – keto pizza Base
1 cup almond flour
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 heaped teaspoon Psyllium husk
¾ teaspoon-4mls baking powder
50 grams melted butter
100mls hot water
Ingredients – keto tomato pizza sauce
Olive oil for frying
1/2 onion grated
1 tomato diced
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 heaped teaspoon dried mixed herbs
1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic
1/2 cup dry white wine
Simmer down to thick paste.
Topping for keto pizza – Or whatever you choose.
½ cup chopped salami
½ cup fried mushrooms
½ cup sliced olives
1 ½ cup Grated cheddar and mozzarella cheeses
Method for perfect keto pizza base
Grease 9 inch tart dish with butter
Pre-heat oven to 215C
Mix dry ingredients together. Add melted butter and hot water.
Mix into a sloppy dough and place in tart dish and spread into a thin layer.
Bake base in preheated oven at 215C for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
Spread tomato mix over surface, sprinkle salami, mushrooms and olives, top with grated cheese.
Return to oven 215C for 15-20 minutes.
For the video demonstration click on this link:
Based on 4 serves the base contains
Cals = 500
Carbs = 4
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