Enlarge a spade drill hole in wood

<strong>Enlarge a spade drill hole in wood</strong>
Enlarging a spade drill hole in wood This article demonstrates 2 ways to enlarge a spade drill hole in would Enlarging an existing spade drill hole can be a bit tricky because the central guide of the spade drill has no material to grip and centralise and stabilise the outer cutting teeth of the new ...

Quick way to enlarge a hole saw hole

Quick way to enlarge a hole saw hole
Enlarge a hole saw hole This video demonstrates a quick way to enlarge a hole saw hole. Enlarging an existing hole saw hole can be a bit tricky because the central guide drill of the larger hole saw has no material to centralise and stabilise the outer cutting teeth of the new (larger) hole saw. ...

How to solder copper pipe and avoid 13 common beginners mistakes

How to solder copper pipe and avoid 13 common beginners mistakes
I believe that soldered copper joints for domestic plumbing is still the gold standard, especially if the pipes are to be closed in and are not accessible. The newer plastic type pipes and fittings are all very well but I have heard stories of rats gnawing through them with disastrous results. The big disadvantage of ...

How to fit countertop to Ikea kitchen cabinets

How to fit countertop to Ikea kitchen cabinets
How to install countertop to Ikea cabinets This video tutorial is another tin our series on how to assemble and install an Ikea kitchen. In this particular video I will be showing how to fit or install a countertop to Ikea kitchen cabinets. This is a link to the entire playlist of videos on installing ...