How to operate a frontend loader with 4 in 1 bucket on a tractor
Front end loader or bucket is an optional extra on a tractor and is controlled by the hydraulics of the tractor so will only be fully functional with the engine running. It is controlled either by a ‘joy stick’ or separate levers which channel the hydraulics.
I will first briefly describe this rig and then show how it works. This is a case 35B small tractor with this 4 in 1 bucket attached as an optional extra, also attached at the back is a ‘carry all’ the significance of which I will explain as we progress.
The 4 in 1 bucket, or 4-in-1 as it is sometimes written, is very versatile and is controlled from the operator’s seat with a joystick via the tractors hydraulics. Pushing the joystick forwards lowers the frontend loader and bucket, pulling back on the joystick will raise the loader off the ground. Pushing the stick away from the operator will tilt the bucket downwards while pull the stick towards you will tilt the bucket upwards. The 4 in 1 bucket differs from the standard bucket in that it can open into a pair of jaws or clamp. To open and close the bucket the operator places a thumb on top of the joystick and press a button there while pushing the joystick away to open the bucket or pressing the button and pulling towards them to close the bucket.

The 4 in 1 bucket and frontend loader can be used to scoop a load (eg soil), carry a load, unload by tipping or by dumping, dig, level, doze and grip or clamp items such as logs etc.
To scoop a load of loose material lower bucket to the ground with bottom of the bucket level with ground, drive slowly into the mound of say dirt while at the same time slowly tilting the bucket upwards and raising the loader ending with the bucket in the carrying position that is with bucket fully tilted upwards. When carrying a load the bucket should be kept as low as possible to maximise tractor stability. In cases where the load is very heavy the tractor may have a tendency to tip forward, in this case it may be necessary to attach a counter weight or balance to the 3 point linkage. A loaded carry-all may be used for this purpose.

Unloading may be done by either tipping the bucket fully forwards or opening the jaws and dumping the load if it is a 4 in 1 bucket. Dumping is more accurate then tipping. Spreading may be achieved by slowly tipping the load while simultaneously reversing.

To dig tip the leading edge of the bucket at an angle into the ground then lower onto the ground an drive forwards to let the leading edge cut into the ground after digging in a little way slowly tilt the bucket up while continuing to advance and finally lift the loader in a scooping motion. Repeat this process to dig deeper.

To level, tip the bucket downwards to form a blade at about 45 degrees to the ground lower it on the far side of a mound then slowly reverse dragging the mound towards you and levelling.

Finally the jaws may be used to grip an object like a log and lifting it off the ground and carrying it a short distance then opening the bucket to release it. Larger logs can be lassoed with a tow strap which in turn can be gripped in the jaws to raise one end of the log then drag the log by reversing.

Video Chapters Times tamps
Here are some time stamps for browsing the content of this video:
00:00 Beginning
Small tractor description and operation
04:05 Basic joystick moves for frontend loader
04:47 Opening and closing 4 in 1 bucket with joystick
06:38 All the joystick controls demonstrated
11:08 Loading the bucket
12:38 Unloading the bucket
13:04 Digging and levelling
15:26 Clamping and carrying in jaws of 4 in 1 bucket
17:26 Moving larger objects
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